How Long Is the Recovery Time from an Ultherapy Treatment?

Houston residents know that aging takes a natural toll on our bodies, especially on our faces. Fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin can make us look older than we are, and can definitely make us look older than we feel. Many Houston residents who aren’t ready to commit to the recovery time that a facelift requires consider alternative facial treatments such as Ultherapy, a special ultrasound technology provided at the Houston Ovation Med Spa. One of the best things about the Ultherapy, in addition to the amazing results it provides, is that there is no downtime for recovery! Houston clients can have an Ultherapy in the morning, and return to work in the afternoon.

What is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is a non-surgical, non-invasive ultrasound treatment that reaches the deep layers of facial and other tissue. Many Houston women choose to have Ultherapy on their face, neck, and chest to eliminate fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of aging. Ultherapy lifts and tightens skin, providing a more youthful look.

Why is There No Downtime with Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is a gentle, non-invasive procedure, which is why there is no downtime with the treatment. Though there is no recovery time, you may find that for a few hours:

  • Your skin may feel flushed or red after treatment;
  • You may have slight swelling;
  • The treated area may be tingly or tender to touch; and
  • You may have some bruising or numbness.

What Happens During an Ultherapy Treatment?

When you come to the Houston Ovation Med Spa for Ultherapy treatment, your skin specialist will apply a gel to your treatment area(s), and place the Ultherapy applicator against your skin. Your treatment provider will then use ultrasound-viewing technology to find the best place to target before delivering energy deep beneath your skin.

Is Ultherapy Painful?

Most of Ovation Med Spa’s Houston clients describe Ultherapy as comfortable. You may be slightly sensitive to the treatment when you first feel the ultrasound energy applied, but after that many people find the entire treatment tolerable. Treatment times vary depending on the areas being targeted. A face and neck treatment takes an hour and a half. A chest treatment typically takes half an hour.

How Does Ultherapy Give Me a More Youthful Appearance?

Ultherapy gives Houston clients a more youthful appearance by reaching deep facial tissue and tightening the skin. It also promotes collagen production. Collagen induces your body’s natural rejuvenation process.

How Often Will I Need Ultherapy to Maintain My Results?

Most Houston clients find that one treatment of Ultherapy at Ovation Med Spa delivers their desired results. However, as time passes, your skin will continue to age. Therefore, Ovation Med Spa recommends that you come for follow up treatments on an annual basis.

I’m Ready for Younger Looking Skin!

Choosing to have a cosmetic procedure, even a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure like Ultherapy, is not an easy decision to make. Most Houston clients have several questions they would like answered before they commit to the procedure. For that reason, we highly recommend that you call Ovation Med Spa at (713) 936-2490 to schedule an initial consultation with a skin specialist. During that time, you can review your desired treatment areas, ask any questions that you have, and together we can come up with a personalized treatment plan for you.